Last Saturday I was hanging out with my nephews Alex (14) and Isaac (12). Apparently my sister had told them Mr. Perfect was moving in with me.
Alex: Mom told me Mr. Perfect was going to move in with you. That’s really great news, huh?
Me: Yes it is. We’re very happy.
Alex: Do you think you’ll marry him?
Me: Well… maybe.
Isaac: That would be fun because I don’t an uncle Perfect yet!
Alex: I would really like that too. But… just so you know, I would really like some more cousins, ok?
Thank kid - no pressure at all.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally; The Perfect Roommate.
It’s taken a very long time, but I just know I’ve finally found the perfect roommate. He won’t be moving in until the end of October, but I can’t wait! You might have guessed it... Mr. Perfect will be moving in with me. :-) We decided this week it was time to take the plunge and we're hoping to begin our domestic bliss during my study break the last week of October.
I’ve had a perma-smile the last few days and have resisted the urge to tell absolutely everyone I meet. It hasn’t been easy because I’m just so excited! It’s going to be so nice to wake-up to him every morning, to have supper together every night, not to have to truck 10,000 bags (school bag, overnight bag, running gear, Pacha’s bag, gah!) back and forth between homes every few days, knowing that even though I am studying we can have moments together that don’t necessitate a 30 minute commute and a degree in logistics!
We’ve also decided that we don’t want anyone else living with us. Can I just say how excited I am not to have to share my house with strangers anymore!?! For the first time since I bought the house I can walk around naked, I can decorate every room just the way I (or we) want it, if stuff gets broken it’s because we accidentally broke it and not because some careless tenant has no appreciation for anything that isn’t his, hell, we can even do it in every room!
We haven’t told Bonhomme yet and I think it’s best to wait until he gives me the rent for October. I wouldn’t want him to get pissed off and move out and leave me high and dry for a month.
It looks like my “16 months left” chant has now turned into a “38 days left” chant. Wheeeeee!
I’ve had a perma-smile the last few days and have resisted the urge to tell absolutely everyone I meet. It hasn’t been easy because I’m just so excited! It’s going to be so nice to wake-up to him every morning, to have supper together every night, not to have to truck 10,000 bags (school bag, overnight bag, running gear, Pacha’s bag, gah!) back and forth between homes every few days, knowing that even though I am studying we can have moments together that don’t necessitate a 30 minute commute and a degree in logistics!
We’ve also decided that we don’t want anyone else living with us. Can I just say how excited I am not to have to share my house with strangers anymore!?! For the first time since I bought the house I can walk around naked, I can decorate every room just the way I (or we) want it, if stuff gets broken it’s because we accidentally broke it and not because some careless tenant has no appreciation for anything that isn’t his, hell, we can even do it in every room!
We haven’t told Bonhomme yet and I think it’s best to wait until he gives me the rent for October. I wouldn’t want him to get pissed off and move out and leave me high and dry for a month.
It looks like my “16 months left” chant has now turned into a “38 days left” chant. Wheeeeee!
Monday, September 14, 2009
September Méli-Mélo
School Life
Last week I started my third year in nursing. I can’t believe I’m actually in my THIRD year! I’m not sure why, but it feels like I suddenly have street cred when it comes to my studies. With two years under my belt I feel much more like a nurse. It’s an awesome feeling. It’s also great to know that I’m at least halfway done... and maybe more if I am accepted in the accelerated program (I’ll know by the end of the semester).
This semester is all about the specialties: pediatrics, labour & delivery, psychiatry, community health, as well as a few classes on nursing theory. It’s nice not to have any clinical practicum mixed in with my classes. Starting in January, though, I’ll have 6 months of clinical work.
Home Life
I’m still searching for a new roommate. I can pretty much scratch off September, but I’m hoping I’ll get someone by October. In the last 8 months I’ve had 4 months with at least one vacant room. That’s really tough on the finances.
Last Saturday Mr. Perfect helped me out with a few home projects, including cutting down trees and replacing missing boards on my patio. I was so grateful for his help! I keep looking at my patio and can’t believe the boards have FINALLY been replaced! I’ve been “planning” on doing it since April. Mr. Perfect also got an introduction to my wacky sense of organization. The following conversation took place, as we were about to go work on the patio:
Mr.Perfect: “Where’s the cat’s paw (nail puller), I lent you a few months ago?”
Me: “Ummm… I think it’s in my office… on my desk”
Mr. Perfect: “Of course... office... makes complete sense”
Mr. Perfect: “Didn’t you say you bought nails? Where are they”
Me (giggling): “In the kitchen… in the drawer where I keep my dishcloths”
Me (about to go outside to do some work): “I’ll be right there. I just have to get my hammer”
Mr. Perfect looks at me with a look that says “And where might your hammer be?”
Me: “I keep my hammer in my filing cabinet.” :-)
Love Life
Obviously, Mr. Perfect and I are still going strong. Returning to my school routine has been tough as we were used to seeing each other almost every day, but we are making it work. We'd like to move in together eventually, but we are trying to be responsible about it and take our time with that decision. We don't want to move in together just because I need a new roommate... we want it to be for the right reasons.
Last week I started my third year in nursing. I can’t believe I’m actually in my THIRD year! I’m not sure why, but it feels like I suddenly have street cred when it comes to my studies. With two years under my belt I feel much more like a nurse. It’s an awesome feeling. It’s also great to know that I’m at least halfway done... and maybe more if I am accepted in the accelerated program (I’ll know by the end of the semester).
This semester is all about the specialties: pediatrics, labour & delivery, psychiatry, community health, as well as a few classes on nursing theory. It’s nice not to have any clinical practicum mixed in with my classes. Starting in January, though, I’ll have 6 months of clinical work.
Home Life
I’m still searching for a new roommate. I can pretty much scratch off September, but I’m hoping I’ll get someone by October. In the last 8 months I’ve had 4 months with at least one vacant room. That’s really tough on the finances.
Last Saturday Mr. Perfect helped me out with a few home projects, including cutting down trees and replacing missing boards on my patio. I was so grateful for his help! I keep looking at my patio and can’t believe the boards have FINALLY been replaced! I’ve been “planning” on doing it since April. Mr. Perfect also got an introduction to my wacky sense of organization. The following conversation took place, as we were about to go work on the patio:
Mr.Perfect: “Where’s the cat’s paw (nail puller), I lent you a few months ago?”
Me: “Ummm… I think it’s in my office… on my desk”
Mr. Perfect: “Of course... office... makes complete sense”
Mr. Perfect: “Didn’t you say you bought nails? Where are they”
Me (giggling): “In the kitchen… in the drawer where I keep my dishcloths”
Me (about to go outside to do some work): “I’ll be right there. I just have to get my hammer”
Mr. Perfect looks at me with a look that says “And where might your hammer be?”
Me: “I keep my hammer in my filing cabinet.” :-)
Love Life
Obviously, Mr. Perfect and I are still going strong. Returning to my school routine has been tough as we were used to seeing each other almost every day, but we are making it work. We'd like to move in together eventually, but we are trying to be responsible about it and take our time with that decision. We don't want to move in together just because I need a new roommate... we want it to be for the right reasons.
Changa - RN,
Changa the Landlord,
Mr. Perfect,
School Daze
Monday, September 7, 2009
What the hell is wrong with people? I’ve been stood up yet again by a potential tenant. I seriously hate these people. They are completely rude and inconsiderate. Grrrrr!
I’ve had my house for 2 years on August 1 and in that span I’ve had 9 roommates, including She-Man, the Virgin, the Plumber, the kid, the ghost, the boyfriend (the ghost’s boyfriend that is), Big Rig, BRE (Best Roommate Ever) and now Bonhomme. Of these 9, 5 of them have been in the last 6 months. *sigh* I’ve also had about 36 people visit my house, 92 emails or phone calls and at least 15 no shows.
The prospective roommate I was supposed to see today had true potential. She was eager to see the place and we made an appointment for her to come over around 2:00. I have a lot to do today, as it’s the first day of school tomorrow, but didn’t want to be in the middle of cleaning and such when she arrived, so I waited... and waited... and waited. After an hour had passed by, I called her. She said she wasn’t sure she wanted to come see the place anymore. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. ARG! Don’t you know how to pick up a damn phone?
The current tenant, known as Bonhomme (French expression meaning “what’s his name”), is general pretty good. He’s cut my lawn a few times, has brought Pacha for a walk on occasion and usually leaves the kitchen clean. However, yesterday I came home to find a condom on my TV stand. No; not a condom wrapper, or a condom still IN the wrapper; it was a partially unrolled condom. Lovely. Mr. Perfect and I kept trying to figure out why he would have a condom on the TV stand (even if he had been entertaining a guest while we were out of town), when the couch was all the way at the other end of the living room. We finally decided not to think about it because it was just grossing us out even more.
Sixteeen months... sixteen months... sixteen months. Please chant with me: “I only have 16 months to go”.
I’ve had my house for 2 years on August 1 and in that span I’ve had 9 roommates, including She-Man, the Virgin, the Plumber, the kid, the ghost, the boyfriend (the ghost’s boyfriend that is), Big Rig, BRE (Best Roommate Ever) and now Bonhomme. Of these 9, 5 of them have been in the last 6 months. *sigh* I’ve also had about 36 people visit my house, 92 emails or phone calls and at least 15 no shows.
The prospective roommate I was supposed to see today had true potential. She was eager to see the place and we made an appointment for her to come over around 2:00. I have a lot to do today, as it’s the first day of school tomorrow, but didn’t want to be in the middle of cleaning and such when she arrived, so I waited... and waited... and waited. After an hour had passed by, I called her. She said she wasn’t sure she wanted to come see the place anymore. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. ARG! Don’t you know how to pick up a damn phone?
The current tenant, known as Bonhomme (French expression meaning “what’s his name”), is general pretty good. He’s cut my lawn a few times, has brought Pacha for a walk on occasion and usually leaves the kitchen clean. However, yesterday I came home to find a condom on my TV stand. No; not a condom wrapper, or a condom still IN the wrapper; it was a partially unrolled condom. Lovely. Mr. Perfect and I kept trying to figure out why he would have a condom on the TV stand (even if he had been entertaining a guest while we were out of town), when the couch was all the way at the other end of the living room. We finally decided not to think about it because it was just grossing us out even more.
Sixteeen months... sixteen months... sixteen months. Please chant with me: “I only have 16 months to go”.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Poor Little Pupster
Pacha had to visit the vet this morning. She had a nail ripped clean off and was constantly licking it for the last three days. I finally called my vet today to see if I should come in and he said it would probably be best as it wouldn’t heal until she stopped obsessing over it. So now her back paw is all bandaged up and she keeps lifting up in the air and pointing it straight out... it’s actually quite funny to see her. She was a real trouper at the vet and her wiggling to get away was kept to a minimum.

This paw makes for some awkward sitting
This paw makes for some awkward sitting
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Turning into a sap
This morning as I was driving into work I was listening to the announcer talking about the Canadian army’s recent attempt at using donkeys to help out soldiers in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the use of donkeys was unsuccessful as the gear they were carrying was much too heavy for them. Apparently, one donkey ran away and one drowned trying to carry gear across a river. I have no idea why, but I found that so sad. :-( Poor donkey. I'm such a sap when it comes to animals since I got Pacha. I can't watch any reports where animals get abused or read stories about puppy mills. It makes me wonder how I'll be when I have kids. Right now I have no problem dealing with sick kids and would like to work in paediatrics... but maybe I'll turn into mush after I have kids. I wonder if there is a way to predict such things?
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