Monday, September 7, 2009


What the hell is wrong with people? I’ve been stood up yet again by a potential tenant. I seriously hate these people. They are completely rude and inconsiderate. Grrrrr!

I’ve had my house for 2 years on August 1 and in that span I’ve had 9 roommates, including She-Man, the Virgin, the Plumber, the kid, the ghost, the boyfriend (the ghost’s boyfriend that is), Big Rig, BRE (Best Roommate Ever) and now Bonhomme. Of these 9, 5 of them have been in the last 6 months. *sigh* I’ve also had about 36 people visit my house, 92 emails or phone calls and at least 15 no shows.

The prospective roommate I was supposed to see today had true potential. She was eager to see the place and we made an appointment for her to come over around 2:00. I have a lot to do today, as it’s the first day of school tomorrow, but didn’t want to be in the middle of cleaning and such when she arrived, so I waited... and waited... and waited. After an hour had passed by, I called her. She said she wasn’t sure she wanted to come see the place anymore. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. ARG! Don’t you know how to pick up a damn phone?

The current tenant, known as Bonhomme (French expression meaning “what’s his name”), is general pretty good. He’s cut my lawn a few times, has brought Pacha for a walk on occasion and usually leaves the kitchen clean. However, yesterday I came home to find a condom on my TV stand. No; not a condom wrapper, or a condom still IN the wrapper; it was a partially unrolled condom. Lovely. Mr. Perfect and I kept trying to figure out why he would have a condom on the TV stand (even if he had been entertaining a guest while we were out of town), when the couch was all the way at the other end of the living room. We finally decided not to think about it because it was just grossing us out even more.

Sixteeen months... sixteen months... sixteen months. Please chant with me: “I only have 16 months to go”.


1 comment:

Irene said...

16 months to go... 16 months to go... 16 months to go...

Hang in there!