So how did he do it? Well, the short version is, I went to the washroom and when I opened the door to come out, he was down on one knee with the open box. Hah! I think he said, will you marry me and I said ABSOLUTELY!
Here’s the longer version of the story. We spent the day working outside in the sun; me in the garden, him on his car. By the time supper rolled around we were both exhausted from the day so we decided to go out for supper. There was a multicultural festival downtown so we thought we would head there for some international cuisine. The options weren’t much so we ended up at a pub. Well, the beer was damn good last night and we both had two. After we paid the bill and were almost ready to leave, Mr. Perfect said, you know, I would totally have another beer. Too bad we have the car, I added. He said, screw the car, we can come pick it up tomorrow morning – so we had another beer... and another... and another... and a pitcher of beer. It was completely spontaneous and fun! At one point he asked me, if we were to get married, when would it be? From there, we talked a lot about our “hypothetical” wedding. By the time we finished our last beer and literally stumbled home (we walked), we were giggling and giddy. Most of the way home I was complaining I had to pee so as soon as we got home I ran upstairs to the washroom and when I came out, there he was. I kept saying, but what about your plan? He said this was better than his plan and totally felt right.
He was planning on proposing later on this week. His plan had been to put rose petals and candles from front door to our bedroom. There, I would have found a letter telling me how much he loved me and at the end of the letter it would have said "turn around, and he would have bee there. The half-drunken bathroom proposal was even better and so us.
Here are a few pictures of my absolutely gorgeous ring! It’s white gold with a center diamond and 8 sapphires on each side. It also has some gorgeous detailing on the sides. The big day will be next year - later summer/early fall. :-D
We shared the news with family and friends yesterday (and half the Internet, of course). Everyone is overjoyed for us. If we're facebook friends, please don't mention anything just yet. Mr. Perfect's brother is coming home on Friday and we want to share the news in person.
1 comment:
many many congrats to you & Mr. Perfect (again!). I wish you guys the best :)
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