Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Worst. Week. Ever.

And it’s only Wednesday!

A bit of a back story, to give you some context: Big Rig was supposed to move out at the end of May so when he came to give me the rent for May, he only gave me $175 instead of $325 because he was moving at the end of the month and that would save me from giving him back his $150 deposit. Around the middle of the month he told me he had broken-up with his girlfriend and said he would be staying longer. Fine. I don’t really like him, but it pays the bills. I told him I needed the $150 immediately. I never received it.

First day of my 5-week clinical practicum. I’m stressed out because it’s a new department, new prof, new students. Starting a new clinical is always difficult.
I get home mid-afternoon and run into Big Rig moving out his stuff. He tells me he has no money and is moving out. He claims he has no money so he is moving in with his girlfriend… they got back together. I’m royally pissed. His girlfriend waltzes in and tells me he will pay me the $100 he owes me next week. I correct her and tell her he owes me $475. She starts freaking out at him, telling him she didn’t know he owed that much. She promises to pay me in a week and then looks at him and says: “just wait till we get home Mr.” Before they leave she tells him to “thank the nice lady” and “apologies for inconveniencing her”. His girlfriend is 22 and he’s 33. On the way out I realize he hasn’t given me back his key. He claims he forgot it at home and she promises to be right back with it. Of course, she never comes back.

I’m in the shower and about to wash my hair, when I realize my shampoo and conditioner are gone. So is my shaving cream and facial soap. What the hell? I knew right away who had taken it and screamed, that fucking bitch! Once I’m out of the shower I realize she also took two pairs of earrings that were in the bathroom. Nothing else appears to be missing. After work, Mr. Perfect comes over and replaces all my locks.

My patient goes home (good for her), but I’m assigned a new patient and have to start all my research over. Ugh. For every medication I give, I have to prepare index cards and to research on the effects of the medication. It usually takes me 30 to 45 minutes per card. I find out my new patient has 27 medications! Not much sleep for me tonight. I checked my voicemails on the way home to find out my other roommate is giving his notice for the end of the month. Can this day get any worse? When I get home, my roommate tells me why he’s leaving. He quit his job yesterday morning. He works as a security guard at the hospital and his girlfriend had to get results for tests at the hospital yesterday. When she was done, she came to see him, crying. She had just found out she has cancer. :-( He asked his boss if he can take the rest of the day off and his boss said no. So he walked out. I know he’s taken a lot of shit from them, so it doesn't surprise me. I guess it was just the last draw. He doesn't know what he's going to do yet, but he'll likely move back to his parents place for now. I don’t think his girlfriend is even 25. :-( She has cervical cancer and they will likely do a hysterectomy

After hearing this latest news, I know I have no reason to complain. I’m healthy, I love my studies (as stressful as it is), and my boyfriend is perfect… but it’s still a pretty shitty week.


Anonymous said...

New Update Please.

Changa said...

Not much to update. I,ll try to make a general update soon!