Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Tale of ADD and OCD

OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (moi)
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder (roommate)

I’ve come to the conclusion that someone with OCD does not mesh well with someone who has ADD. Ok, so I might not exactly have OCD, but I like things to be a certain way. I like the dirty dishes IN the dishwasher. I like the wet dish clothe not to be tossed in a bundle on the counter (it should be hung so it doesn’t get stinky). I like to have all my outside doors closed (hello? Paying for heat here). I don’t like to see dirty dishes left on the side table in the living room. I don’t like to see hand soap accumulate in globs on the bathroom counter. Each time I see things out of place I get a little annoyed and slightly overcome with the need to scrub. Ugh.

My roommate has ADD and even says so herself. So every time I come home I find something that is not “in its place” due to her absent-mindedness, I have a little panic attack. I realize I need to let go and she needs to focus… but, man, is it ever a bad combo! Remind me never ever to date someone with ADD.


Anonymous said...

Hey Baby I have ADD, wanna get a drink?

Kevin ;)

PS - LOL!!!!!!!!

Changa said...

Ummm, yeah, you have Annoying Dude Disorder.