Sunday, December 7, 2008

Long Live the Queen of Gossip

Have I ever mentioned how my Mom knows everything and everyone? Well, she does. She knows more gossip about people I know than I do.

Anyway, I hadn’t told my Mom about the new guy. I just find it easier not to mention anything because she gets all excited and then it ends up being just one date. So last night she called me up and invited me over for supper. I told her I had plans. When she asked with who, I told her a friend to which she replied, ohhhh? (insert big smile) Of course, she called tonight under the pretence of inquiring about my day at work and then adds, well… if there isn’t anything else you would like to tell me… *sigh* Fine. Yes Mom, I had a date. Oh really? What’s his name? Where is he from? I tell her his name and where he grew up (nothing more, might I add) and she pauses. Wait a minute… does he have a son? He does. I cringe wondering just how she knows this. Do you know who his parents are, she exclaims excited. At this point I’m thinking: Oh God! Oh God! What does she know? Well, it turns out I’m dating my Mom’s massage therapist’s son. The first words out of my mouth were: Don’t. Say. Anything.

She’s all excited because “they are such a good family” and then proceeded to ramble on a bunch of information I already knew. Did you know he lives a few streets from you? Did you know he recently went back to school? Did you know he too was engaged but broke if off? Yes. Yes. And yes Mom. I can hear the giddiness in her voice. Great. There’s no turning back now.

I soooo hope she can keep her mouth shut!

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