Saturday, March 10, 2012

Update on my Eggies

I’ve been stimulating my ovaries for 7 days now and I’m not responding as well as my doctors had hoped. They boosted my meds twice and we’re hoping this last boost will kick things up a notch (or two). I’m going back in tomorrow morning for more blood tests and an ultrasound and then we’ll see.

Right now I’m on CD 7 and yesterday my E2 was 124. The higher the E2, the more follicles I’ll have. However, they don’t want the E2 to rise too fast as that could have serious side effects. It’s an art, really. Anyway, I had 1 follicle measuring 15.3 mm on the right side plus 5 follicles less than 10mm. On the left side I had about 5 follicles less than 10 mm. Essentially, follicles greater than 18 mm might contain an egg so we want those follicles to grow to about 20 mm (for more eggs!) When they count out the follicles less than 10 mm, it means these are growing but haven’t grown enough to measure. 

So that’s the latest info on us. I’ll report back when I have new numbers!

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