I’m a Home Owner! Well… so far I am. The financing has been accepted and next up is the inspection. Hopefully MY house won’t have too many issues. If everything goes well I’ll have the keys to my new place on August 1. I signed the mortgage papers today and that was effing scary! You feel like you are signing away your life. EEK! Here is a picture of my “baby”

Second, I got a part-time job waitressing at a local convention centre. It’s a good deal because it means only working Friday and Saturday nights and maybe some Sundays. I start on Saturday.
Third, I brought “my wedding dress” to a local consignment shop and they said they would try to get $200 for me. That’s a pretty easy $150!
Fourth, I’m still teaching a local Learn to Run class and leading a virtual class, and working full time and trying to get all this house stuff tied up and trying to see family who are in town for the funeral and I’m feeling quite overwhelmed today! Phew. At least I know that the house stuff will be settled in a week or so until August anyway.
congrats on the house...
Very exciting stuff Changa. You're going to be a busy bee!
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