The course consists of two 75 minutes classes a week. I can’t tell you a single thing I’ve learnt so far this year. The first class the teacher spent the entire 75 minutes explaining the syllabus. This is a writing class. All we do is write essays – there isn’t much to explain. In another class, she spent 75 minutes answering questions on what is considered repetition; i.e. both the terms I run and I ran are considered repetitions. Yes. Even if the verbs are in different tenses it is considered a repetition. I don’t know if she simply doesn’t know how to teach or if it’s the fact that incredibly dim-witted and self-centered students surround her, but something clearly isn’t working.
Today she spent 75 minutes deciding on an alternative date for an exam. 75 freakin’ minutes. She would suggest a date and some idiot student would cry out, “but I have another exam that day” so she would suggest another date and yet another student would call out that they have another exam that day... or that they have to work the night before and won’t have time to prepare… or that they have band practice right before and might not be able to make to the class. Then she freaks out because nobody can agree on a date. Gah! You’re the freakin’ teacher lady! Just tell them that’s the exam date and to shut the fuck up. By this time I’m fuming at the complete waste of time this class has become so I suggest she write the three possible dates on the blackboard, take a vote and just stick with the majority. She says it’s a good idea, but instead of proceeding with this “good idea” she keeps yelling out dates and round and round we go.

Finally, at the end of the “class” she gives us the first essays she’s graded. I’m floored by my score: 64%. I want to scream when I see nimrod next to me got a 70% and idiot on the other side got a 74%. Scoring is divided into 2 parts: 50% is on the content, idea, style, etc., while 50% is on grammar. I got 50/50 for content and 14/50 for grammar. I am completely pissed off at myself. I spent so much time working on the content that I ran out of time and hastily rewrote the text without a second to review it. I had 9 errors at 4 points an error. Ugh. I'm a slave to spell check - what else can I say.
I had no other choice but to head immediately home and write this rant. Grrrr.
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