Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Frenchy’s Comparative

If you’re not from the Maritimes you’ve probably never heard of Frenchy's. Frenchy’s is a chain or used clothing stores. They are quite popular and sometimes you can discover some really great finds. Generally, I like shopping at Frenchy’s but it can be tiresome and you kinda have to be in a certain mood to really enjoy it.

This week I realised that dating is much like shopping at Frenchy’s. You have to sort through bins of clothing in the hopes of coming across even one great item. Plus, like dating, the searching gets tiring, your hands end up grimy and eventually the smell just makes you nauseous.

When I first became single I spent a good two years trying on pretty much everything in the hopes that quantity would eventually lead me to a gem – no such luck. Then, I became very selective about my searches and didn’t try on anything that wasn’t even close to a perfect piece of clothing. That didn’t work either. About a year ago I gave up and opted to purchase a brand new pair of jeans. I looked like it was exactly my style and appeared to be a perfect fit but I soon realize that it was so new that it had never even been taken for a spin. Like not even once! Have you ever tried breaking in a stiff pair of jeans? Ugh. It feels like you’ll never get to the comfortable part... and in the end I gave up.

So I guess my venture into dating as a Frenchy’s store has been a learning experience. Right now, I’m trying to find a balance. I’m making an effort and trying not to turn my nose up at anything that isn’t a brand name. I’ve realised that sometimes, like in makeover shows, the piece that doesn’t look that great on the hanger, looks like a million bucks once you put it on. I’m also being realistic. I’m not wasting my time trying to fit into a size 2 when I’m clearly a size 6 (humour me).

It’s all about balance – my life needs more balance.


Anonymous said...

Best post ever! ;)


Unknown said...

great analogy!