Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Méli-Mélo

Here’s the latest update on my life:

- I have 5 days left until I’m done my first year of University (version 2.0)

- It’s crunch time for exams as I have 3 left. So far the studying has been going well. Let’s hope I can keep it up.

- I applied for re-entry into the radiology program (only 9 are accepted in the second year) and I received a letter confirming my request has been acknowledged. Interviews will be help in May or June.

- I’m preparing for the worst when it comes to the program. I’ve finally accepted that if I don’t get in, it’s ok. I’ve been going 7 days a week for over a year now and not getting in would mean upgrading some of my classes and maybe slowing down a little. In would set me back a year, but maybe I need the break.

- I haven’t heard back from the federal job… but the federal government is notoriously slow.

- I had an interview for a summer position with the hospital last week and that’s the job I really want! It’s just admin work, but the pay is better and I would be working in a variety of departments, which would be really cool. One of my references informed me that they’ve checked with her – always a good sign.

- I’m running again (it’s been about a month) and my last two runs felt really good! It almost made me look forward to the next one.

- I’m slowly attempting the online dating thing with much caution.

- One of my roommates attempted to toast cheese in the toaster the other day... thank goodness my other roommate noticed before my toaster became an ooey-gooey mess! I seriously don't get them sometimes!

I guess that’s it for now. Back to the books!

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