Monday, April 28, 2008

I calculate; it’s what I do

I’ve been calculating and recalculating my GPA again. As it currently stands, my GPA is 2.46 for all my required first year classes (excluding math). I need a 2.5 so I’m going to round up and say I’m good. With all the other classes I’ve taken (which are credited to my fourth year), my GPA is 2.8. I guess that’s not too bad.

I’ve decided to redo my math classes this summer and hope for the best. If I don’t get in, it just means I’ll have that much less to take in September. I can do 2 classes per semester and hopefully work part-time at the hospital. If I pretend I pass both math classes with flying colours this summer, I can redo physics and chemistry (my lowest scores), English and one optional credit and my first and fourth years will be done.

The interviews for the program are being held from May 20 to 23. I haven’t received my invitation yet, but I’m hoping it was sent out before they got a look at my GPA! Maybe then I’ll have a chance to wow them at the interview.

I’ll keep you posted.

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