* WARNING: this is a mixture of strangeness sprinkled with a bit of annoyance and anger. If it offends you, just remember that you’ve been warned.
- While going through my brother’s papers in his apartment: I wonder what people would find if I were to die? After thinking about it for a bit… oh man, I really need to get ride of some personal stuff!
- I wonder what kind of food we’re going to get?
- In reference to the following conversation:
Mom: Last Friday he came over to use the BBQ and made himself a steak. *sob*
Friend: Really? A steak? Wow.
Mom: Yes. And he brought his own potatoes. *sob*
Friend: His own potatoes... wow. How thoughtful of him.
Mom: Yes. He was an incredible man. *sob*
---> Seriously, I love thinking of all the wonderful things in my brother’s life, but the fact that he made himself a steak on the BBQ a week before he passed is not that amazing.
- Why do people insist on calling us as soon as they see the newspaper? Just because YOU read the paper at 6:30 am, doesn’t mean everyone in the world is awake!
- I wonder if people looked at me with pity and sadness when my father passed-away the way they look at RayLynn… I guess at 17 I wasn’t a child anymore so it’s not the same.
- Well, I guess my brother won’t be walking me down the aisle if I get married one day… geez, I’m running out of men in my life.
- Why am I not bawling uncontrollably? I wonder if anti-depressants squash my capacity to feel true emotions? Oh crap! Maybe anti-depressants are preventing me from falling in love! Mental Note: must research anti-depressants and one’s capacity for finding a husband in the drug database at work.
- Someone better play some good tunes at my funeral and at the funeral home! None of that Wind Beneath my Wings crap! Give me some classic Van Morrison or U2. A little Dave Matthews, David Gray or Ben Harper. And finally throw in some classic 80’s tunes like I've Had the Time of my Life from Dirty Dancing to make people smile.
- It's just me and my sisters now. How weird is that. I wonder what christmas will be like,
- Are open-toed sandals appropriate for a funeral? If they are really cute – is it more appropriate?
- Hey, if I ever have a boy, I could call him Miguel (which is essentially Michel) in memory of my brother. That’s a good name and bilingual (or even trilingual) to boot!
- I think this is the first time in my life that there isn’t someone around me who is truly ill… if the phone rings before 8 am, I actually don’t need to panic. What a strange feeling.
- While looking at my brother’s wedding pictures: Hmmm…. What year did my brother get married? It must have been ‘95? That would have made him…. 32. Oh crap! The chances are very good I’ll be OLDER than my brother when (if) I ever get married! (the general consensus when he got married was very much: it’s about freakin’ time). Ugh.
- Why do people insist on idealize the memory of the deceased? Just because they passed-away doesn’t make them perfect. Isn’t it a more realistic view of their life to acknowledge the imperfections that made them human?
- Wow. I really do use the word crap quite a bit.
And from the mind of my 10 year old nephew Isaac:
- When I die, I don’t want to go in the bottle ok? I want to go in the box (in reference to wanting to be buried instead of cremated). :-)

I am sorry to hear about your brother Changa. Take care.
I personally liked your Random Thoughts. I think everyone has thoughts like these, just not many people ever express them.
Talk to you tomorrow D.
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