Do you ever imagine yourself as a millionaire? Of course, the thought has crossed my mind on occasion. Last week I bought a lottery ticket for Atlantic Lotto’s special
Win a Million a Year for Life lottery. I’ll be honest. I rarely buy lottery tickets. In fact, I don’t even know what to do with them once I’ve bought them. So I gave the ticket to the boy so he could check the numbers and do whatever it is you do with a lottery ticket. Of course, I didn’t win, but the money did get me thinking.
What if we had won? I would do the obvious things with it; pay off debt, buy a new car, share with family, buy a new wardrobe, invest, etc. But my bigger issue is, would I buy a house? How sad that I actually took the time to analyse this. Hah! I’m currently staying with my Mom for a few months while I save up for a down payment on my first house. However, if I where to win a million, money wouldn’t be an issue and I could go ahead and buy my dream home, right? Well… maybe not. The boy and I have been dating for four months now. We aren’t in the
“let’s move in together stage”, but we aren’t in the
“this is just a casual thing and it will end eventually” frame of mind either.

Plus, I have a strict, no moving in with a guy unless there is the potential for marriage policy. It’s not that I’m old fashion; it’s that I’m pragmatic. I’ve done the living together thing in the past and I’ve also done the dividing of the belongings after living together for 5 years. It’s no fun and I have no intention of doing it again. Of course, I'm not looking for some bling on my finger before I move in with a guy, but the subject would at least have come up and I would have to feel in my heart that this is someone I could marry. Suffice it to say, I’m not the move in on a whim type of gal.

Ok, back to the matter at hand. I’m planning on buying a house sometime this summer or early in the fall. However, the boy already owns a house and if we where to stay together long-term than my buying a house would be ridiculous, right? And if we were to move in together it would most likely be within the next year so moving into an apartment as a temporary solution would be quite silly on my part as well. It would mean moving out of my Mom’s place for what? Six months? Hardly seems worth it. I’m also not about to wait longer than a year before taking things to the next level in my relationship! Remember, I’m a girl on a mission: find boy, fall in love with boy, marry boy, have lots of babies and live happily ever after. The clock is ticking you know.
So this whole millionaire issue has got me thinking. What happens if I don’t know if the boy is
“the one” by the time I’m ready to buy a house? Do I buy a house and hope he
isn’t the one? Do I move in with him and hope that he
is the one? Or, do I go retro and live with my Mom for the rest of my life until I find a suitable husband? Ummm. No.
Oh the drama! All this time I thought purchasing a house was about finances, investments and numbers, but what it’s really about is relationships! Who knew?
Hmmm... I say buy the house. Even if you hook up with the boy, it's still a good investment. You can't predict the future, so go with what you can control. But I understand the hesitation, I think I'd also be uncertain if I were in your shoes.
You're right... I can't predict my future, so until I'm ready to make a commitment (whether it be to the boy or to a house); it's probably no use worrying about it. :-)
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