This whole idea still seems surreal. It reminds of when I decided to join Team Diabetes. It had been in the back of my mind for years so when I finally joined it’s like it was still just an idea or a dream. Once the initial high of joining passed, panic set in. What? I have to raise $6,200 AND run a marathon? GAH! That’s the stage I’m currently feeling. It’s like the seed has been planted but I won’t know for a while if the plant is actually going to take. Until I started seeing the money for Team D come in and the training began, it still felt like it actually might not happen. So until I get my house, get accepted, get my finances in order, I’ll have to keep watching my little seedling, nurture it and hope it grows and blooms.

I remember what it's like when you're at the waiting stage, though, and it sucks. But, you're going to get accepted, and you're going to kick ass, no doubts about it.
You will get there Changa! I know the feeling about Team D, but I was there when you ran, I remember! You will make this goal if you want it too!
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