My poor, poor wrist. :-(
I’m on break for the rest of the day – I just really need to rest my wrists. Here is a picture of my spackle-happy room (formerly known as the wallpaper from hell room).
I think I had a few holes. Hopefully tonight my wrists will be rested enough to at least prime the room.
I’m waiting for the furniture guy to come cut my box spring so I can get it up the stairs. I hope this works! I’m dreading helping him push the stupid thing up the stairs. I fear pain in my future.
As for the student line of credit, I’ve called Scotia Bank and apparently you can’t actually meet with someone at a bank. I swear; banks are the stupidest institutions in the freakin’ world! I have another 1-800 number to call to see if I qualify for a student LOC. I’m waiting until the furniture guy has come to do his thing before I call. Once I’ve called the 1-800, I have to do the application online. Why can’t I just meet with a human being? GRRRR. Speaking of stupid banks, I’m still dirt poor. I don’t think I mentioned BMOs major screw-up last week – apparently they screwed up when transferring my RRSPs to my chequing account. The bank director advanced me the money last Wednesday so I could pay my lawyer and get my house, but now my account has been in overdraft since then. The problem is, I don’t actually have an overdraft so it’s like I have zero funds in my account. The RRSPs still haven’t been transferred as of today. I just left a nasty message with the bank manager. I mean seriously – this is getting ridiculous!
I’ve had requests for more house pictures. I’m posting a few, although the place is still quite the disaster zone. I’ve got boxes everywhere!
Here is my new couch and funky chaise longue:
Here is a messy picture of my kitchen/computer relaxation area:
Holy spackle, Batman!! Sorry your carpal tunnel's acting up, hopefully it doesn't get too bad. Did the guy come to cut your boxspring?
The place looks good so far (fab furniture, btw!!) - can't wait to see the finished product!
I love that chair.. I've been eyeing those since I saw one just like it at one of my friends place..
It the spackle "Pink"?
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