Sunday, January 28, 2007

The BIG 20!

June 5, 2006

I never thought I would be celebrating the Big 2-0 again, but here I am! Ok, so I’m not celebrating my 20th birthday, but I am celebrating my 20 km! I did my 20 km run on Saturday and things went fairly well. I managed to do it even if it was raining outside... which took a lot of convincing. Christine joined me for the final 9 km of my run. Around the 18.5 km point, things where going well and I felt I could finish the 20 km without any problems. But poor Christine went into hypoglycemic shock. We walked the last 1.5 km. Christine felt so bad, but really, I didn’t, mind. I know we didn’t stop because I couldn’t keep going and I’m very confident in my ability to finish the half-marathon in 2 weeks. I’m just really glad Christine wasn’t alone. I’ve had the feeling that I was going to pass out during a bad run once and it’s no fun. I can imagine that it felt 20 times worse for her!

Plus, our time was 2 hours and 47 minutes. My goal for the run was 2 hours and 48 minutes, so even with the walk we came in at the scheduled time. Which means the run was faster than what I had planned.

Not bad for a rainy Saturday afternoon!

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